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Jose Cooper
Jose Cooper

MikroBasic PRO PIC V6.6.2

MikroBasic PRO PIC v6.6.2: A Powerful and Easy-to-Learn IDE for PIC Development

If you are looking for a simple and efficient way to program PIC microcontrollers, you should consider using MikroBasic PRO PIC v6.6.2. This is a full-featured BASIC compiler for PIC devices that offers a rich set of libraries, a user-friendly IDE, and a hardware debugger.

MikroBasic PRO PIC v6.6.2

What is MikroBasic PRO PIC?

MikroBasic PRO PIC is a BASIC compiler for PIC microcontrollers developed by MikroElektronika. It supports more than 800 PIC devices, from 8-bit to 32-bit, with different architectures and peripherals. You can write your code in BASIC syntax, which is easy to learn and understand, and compile it to native machine code that runs fast and efficiently on your target device.

What are the main features of MikroBasic PRO PIC?

MikroBasic PRO PIC offers many features that make it a powerful and convenient tool for PIC development. Some of the main features are:

  • A user-friendly IDE that integrates code editor, compiler, debugger, simulator, and Visual TFT designer.

  • A rich set of libraries that cover various aspects of PIC programming, such as GPIO, ADC, DAC, PWM, LCD, GLCD, TFT, touch panel, UART, SPI, I2C, CAN, USB, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GSM, GPS, RFID, RTC, EEPROM, Flash, SD card, MP3, and more.

  • A hardware debugger that supports step-by-step debugging operations with mikroProg programmer.

  • A Visual TFT designer that allows you to create graphical user interfaces for your projects with drag-and-drop elements.

  • A lifetime license that entitles you to free upgrades and technical support.

How to get started with MikroBasic PRO PIC?

To get started with MikroBasic PRO PIC, you need to follow these steps:

  • Download and install the compiler from

  • Connect your mikroProg programmer to your PC and your target device.

  • Launch the IDE and create a new project.

  • Select your device and configuration settings.

  • Write your code in BASIC syntax or use the library manager to include the libraries you need.

  • Compile your code and check for errors or warnings.

  • Debug your code using the hardware debugger or the simulator.

  • Program your device with the generated hex file.

  • Test your project and enjoy!

MikroBasic PRO PIC is a great choice for anyone who wants to program PIC microcontrollers in a simple and efficient way. It offers a lot of features and benefits that make it a powerful and convenient tool for PIC development. You can download it from and try it out for yourself.

What's new in MikroBasic PRO PIC v6.6.2?

MikroBasic PRO PIC v6.6.2 is the latest version of the compiler that was released in July 2015. It is a minor update that prepares the compiler for the next version of Visual TFT, a graphical user interface designer that works with MikroBasic PRO PIC. Visual TFT allows you to create stunning GUIs for your projects with ease and speed.

MikroBasic PRO PIC v6.6.2 also fixes some bugs and improves the stability and performance of the compiler. You can download the latest version of the compiler from and enjoy the benefits of the new features and improvements.

How to learn MikroBasic PRO PIC?

If you are new to MikroBasic PRO PIC or want to refresh your knowledge, you can find many resources to help you learn and master the compiler. Some of the resources are:

  • The Quick Start Guide that shows you how to install and use the compiler in a few easy steps.

  • The User Manual that explains all the features and functions of the compiler in detail.

  • The Help File that provides reference information and examples for all the library functions and keywords.

  • The Code Examples that demonstrate how to use the libraries and peripherals in various scenarios.

  • The LibStock website that hosts hundreds of projects and libraries created by other users and developers.

  • The Forum website that connects you with other users and developers who can share their experience and knowledge.

  • The YouTube channel that offers video tutorials and demonstrations of the compiler and its features.

With these resources, you can learn MikroBasic PRO PIC at your own pace and level of expertise. You can also contact our support team if you have any questions or issues with the compiler.

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How to use MikroBasic PRO PIC libraries?

One of the advantages of MikroBasic PRO PIC is that it provides a large number of libraries that cover various aspects of PIC programming. These libraries make it easier and faster to use the peripherals and modules of your device, as well as external components and devices. You can access these libraries from the Library Manager in the IDE, where you can select the ones you need for your project.

To use a library in your code, you just need to include it with the #include directive, followed by the name of the library file. For example, if you want to use the LCD library, you would write:

#include "LCD.h"

Then, you can use the functions and constants defined in the library to control the LCD. For example, if you want to initialize the LCD and display a message, you would write:

Lcd_Init(); // Initialize LCD

Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); // Clear display

Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF); // Turn cursor off

Lcd_Out(1, 1, "Hello World!"); // Print message on first row

You can find more information and examples for each library in the Help File or on the LibStock website.

How to debug your code with MikroBasic PRO PIC?

MikroBasic PRO PIC has native support for hardware step-by-step In-Circuit Debugger when used with fast USB 2.0 mikroProg programmer. The debugger allows you to execute your code on your target device and monitor its behavior and variables. You can also set breakpoints, watch expressions, modify registers and memory, and more.

To debug your code with MikroBasic PRO PIC, you need to follow these steps:

  • Connect your mikroProg programmer to your PC and your target device.

  • Select mikroProg as your programmer in the Project Settings.

  • Compile your code with debugging enabled.

  • Click on the Debug button in the IDE toolbar.

  • Use the debugging commands to control the execution of your code.

  • Use the debugging windows to inspect and modify your code and data.

  • Click on the Stop button to end the debugging session.

You can find more information and tutorials on how to use the debugger in the User Manual or on the YouTube channel.

How to optimize your code with MikroBasic PRO PIC?

MikroBasic PRO PIC allows you to optimize your code in various ways, such as reducing the size, increasing the speed, and improving the readability and maintainability of your code. Some of the ways to optimize your code are:

  • Using the built-in code optimizer that performs various optimizations on your code, such as constant folding, dead code elimination, common subexpression elimination, loop unrolling, and more.

  • Using the #pragma directives that control the compiler behavior and settings, such as optimization level, memory model, stack size, and more.

  • Using the inline functions and macros that replace function calls with their code, thus saving time and memory.

  • Using the const and static modifiers that specify the storage class and scope of variables and functions, thus reducing memory usage and improving performance.

  • Using the volatile modifier that prevents the compiler from optimizing out variables that may change outside the program control, such as registers and interrupts.

  • Using the bit and bitfield types that allow you to manipulate individual bits and groups of bits, thus saving memory and increasing speed.

  • Using the asm blocks that allow you to insert assembly code into your BASIC code, thus giving you more control and flexibility over your code.

You can find more information and examples on how to optimize your code in the User Manual or on the LibStock website.

How to get support for MikroBasic PRO PIC?

If you have any questions or issues with MikroBasic PRO PIC, you can get support from various sources. Some of the sources are:

  • The Help File that provides reference information and examples for all the library functions and keywords.

  • The User Manual that explains all the features and functions of the compiler in detail.

  • The Forum website that connects you with other users and developers who can share their experience and knowledge.

  • The Support Center website that allows you to submit tickets and get answers from our support team.

  • The YouTube channel that offers video tutorials and demonstrations of the compiler and its features.

You can also contact us via email, phone, or social media. We are always happy to hear from you and help you with your projects.

How to upgrade to MikroBasic PRO PIC v6.6.2?

If you already have a previous version of MikroBasic PRO PIC, you can easily upgrade to the latest version v6.6.2. You can do this by following these steps:

  • Download the latest version of the compiler from

  • Run the installer and follow the instructions.

  • Enter your license key when prompted.

  • Restart the IDE and enjoy the new features and improvements.

If you have a lifetime license, you can upgrade to the latest version for free. If you have a time-limited license, you can upgrade to the latest version if your license is still valid. If your license has expired, you can renew it with a discount on our website.

How to buy MikroBasic PRO PIC v6.6.2?

If you want to buy MikroBasic PRO PIC v6.6.2, you can do so on our website or through our distributors. You can choose between different licensing options, such as:

  • Lifetime license: You pay once and get free upgrades and support for life.

  • Time-limited license: You pay less and get free upgrades and support for one year.

  • Student license: You get a special discount if you are a student or an educator.

  • Site license: You get a special discount if you buy multiple licenses for your company or institution.

You can also buy mikroProg programmer and Visual TFT designer separately or in a bundle with the compiler. You can find more information and prices on our website or contact our sales team for a quote.


MikroBasic PRO PIC v6.6.2 is a powerful and easy-to-learn BASIC compiler for PIC microcontrollers. It offers a rich set of features and benefits that make it a great choice for anyone who wants to program PIC devices in a simple and efficient way. You can download it from and try it out for yourself.

With MikroBasic PRO PIC v6.6.2, you can:

  • Write your code in BASIC syntax and compile it to native machine code.

  • Use more than 1045 library functions to control various peripherals and modules.

  • Create stunning graphical user interfaces with Visual TFT designer.

  • Debug your code with hardware debugger or simulator.

  • Optimize your code with code optimizer and #pragma directives.

  • Learn and master the compiler with various resources and support.

  • Upgrade and renew your license with free or discounted options.

MikroBasic PRO PIC v6.6.2 is a comprehensive solution for PIC development that will save you time, effort, and money. It is a product of MikroElektronika, a company that has been developing compilers and tools for embedded systems since 1997. You can trust their quality and experience and enjoy their products. d282676c82


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